Friday, May 11, 2012

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Review

It's immediately apparent after digging into Minecraft on the Xbox 360 that the platform is well suited for Mojang's first-person sandbox-style building adventure. From comfortable controls and the effortlessness of jumping into multiplayer co-op over Xbox Live, to detailed in-game tutorials and a more user-friendly crafting system, this updated yet scaled-down port of the indie hit is deliciously accessible. Total newcomers to the game will no doubt find themselves blissfully swept away by the many opportunities for open-ended creativity found throughout the Xbox 360 edition. While coming to this version after spending lots of time playing Minecraft on PC is a jarring and disappointing experience, the joy of free-form exploring, building, and adventuring in randomly generated blocky worlds is nicely reproduced here.

The good news is that the essence of what makes Minecraft so absorbing is left untouched. From the second you spawn into your first 3D world, you're punching trees to harvest wood, digging deep into the underground to mine resources, forging handy tools, battling creepers, and building fortresses to year heart's content--or not, depending on personal preferences. You're free to do as you please, unfettered by preconceived objectives, and the slow pace of exploration is balanced by the fun that comes from gradually figuring out the style of play that comes naturally to you.

New built-in tutorial menus and in-game help pop-ups also do an excellent job of explaining the core mechanics early on, which means you won't have to fire up a Web browser and consult a wiki to figure out basic elements. This makes it much easier to get a feel for the game quickly, while also keeping the deeper elements hidden for you to uncover on your own during your travels.

Trading in the mouse and keyboard for the Xbox 360 controller is a comfortable transition. While you can't sprint in this edition, a minor problem that sometimes turns long-distance travel into a plodding trek, navigating the world and tackling the many tasks available is an otherwise fluid affair. One of the biggest improvements is the redesigned crafting system that streamlines the item-creation process and makes managing your inventory a lot more digestible. Instead of dropping individual resources into various formulas on the crafting grid to see what you get, all you have to do is open up the crafting menu and select the item you want to build. Hitting the craft button pulls all the necessary materials from your inventory automatically and creates the item. Any materials you're lacking are highlighted in red, which is helpful for tracking them down. It's great to not have to memorize item recipes, and you can forge the gear you need a lot faster using this well-designed system.

Minecraft can be a real blast when played solo, but it's often a lot more fun when you've got friends messing around in the world alongside you. Setting up a proper co-op game on PC is a patience-draining nightmare that requires extra software downloads, server configuring, and far more irritating hoop-jumping than the average person has patience for. Multiplayer is a whole new deal now, thanks to the ease of access and functionality of Xbox Live, which allows for seamless drop-in co-op and party chat. You can invite friends to join your worlds-in-progress or leave them open for others to hop into while you're playing.

Either way it's a good time, and the lack of heinous setup mumbo jumbo is a welcome change of pace. Going one step further, the 360 edition also features split-screen co-op for up to four players. If you've got a large enough screen, a big comfy couch, some tasty beverages, and good grub, then this is the way to go for party play.

Unfortunately, a few excellent updates aren't a good trade-off for all of the content from the PC version that's missing. The 360 edition is a port of an older pre-Adventure Update Beta version of the game, which means the features, items, and updates that didn't make the cut this time around are pretty significant, and it shows. The variety of unique biome environments is limited, certain craftable items and resources aren't available, and some of the more exciting creatures are absent. There's no hunger or experience system, no alchemy or weapon buffing, and no Ender Dragon to hunt down and defeat. The free-form Creative mode is MIA too, leaving Survival mode as your only play option.
Equally disappointing is that maps are no longer infinite. Wander too far in any direction, and you bump into an invisible wall. There's still plenty of room to explore and build, but the world now feels more like a caged-in biodome instead of a sprawling realm to map out. At least you can still build a portal to travel to the hell-like Nether dimension, yet even that region is constrained too. All of this will be less of an issue for new players who've yet to taste the PC extras, and some may even welcome the simplicity. But that same simplicity is enough to spur longtime Minecraft vets to stick with the PC version--at least until downloadable content either fills in the gaps or offers enticing exclusive updates.

While plenty of concessions were made to bring Minecraft to the Xbox 360, it's good to see that the overall depth and flexibility that made the original so engaging aren't completely sacrificed. However, despite the nice multiplayer options, the improved accessibility, and the refined crafting system, the missing elements are a sizable backslide from the PC version. But is the core foundation still a lot of fun? Absolutely--if you temper your expectations.

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Ask Us Questions On Feedback! Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Feedback's Question Of The Week

Tons of rumors are pouring in from gaming outlets all over the world, like rumors that Internet Explorer will be added to Xbox or rumors about Beyond Good & Evil 2 being a next gen title.  Next week on Feedback we're going to be discussing the rumors, the speculation and the hype leading up to 2012's E3. Have you heard any rumors that you would like us to discuss? Do you have any questions about what we expect to see at the convention? Ask us anything! The time is now!

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Our Two Loves - Stories About Our Mothers and Video Games Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

You talk about our mothers all year; it’s about time that we shared with you stories about our moms and video games for this Mother’s Day.

While not everyone’s mom is so understanding about spending hours in front of the TV playing with something they hardly understand, we still love you for letting us sneak in a few games when we are sick and spending countless hours looking for that one game that we just needed to play.

For this Mother’s Day, we here at G4TV want to say thank you to all the mothers out there across the land who let us drag them into gaming. Here are our stories about our mothers and videogames.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Jonathan Goorvich’s Mother – The Best Around

On a weeknight in 1985, my family was the second we knew to own the original Nintendo Entertainment System. We spent way too long hooking up the single coaxial cable, fired up the console, and excitedly gathered around the TV for a life changing experience. After killing Mario off several times in an attempt to make it past the very first Koopa Troopa, my mom insisted that it was her turn. On her very first life of her very first game, she made it all the way to the first castle. Unheard of!

And so, on a day that should have lived in personal gaming infamy, I ultimately stayed up WAY past my bedtime watching my mom play Super Mario Bros. all night. Until this day, I'm pretty sure she's still better than me at the game.

Donell Tucker’s Mother – Fighting for Nintendo

My first try at playing games was with my musician husband and his friends in the band. We would play on the Atari system and combined the playing with food and social interaction.

One Christmas people were pushing and shoving in Toys R Us trying to buy the very popular Nintendo 64. I didn't think I had a chance of buying one for my kids when one of the employees gave me one of their own tickets to purchase it. I was "giddy" with happiness, knowing how exciting Christmas morning was going to be at our house. Years later I remember spending hours calling Target stores to see when their new shipments were arriving for the Nintendo Wii. I was lucky to purchase one in time for Donell's birthday. Yeah!

LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 Release Date Announced

Leah Jackson’s Mother – Bonding Over A Wizard

Even though I only could get through the first Harry Potter book and didn't really like the movies, I love the Lego Harry Potter  game. Why? Cause it's easy and it's a game I can actually play!

I've raged-played many games that Leah had to help me through because I can't fly, jump, or swim in any video game. For some reason, however, the Lego games suit me to a tee. They are funny and easy to navigate and when you die you pretty much just pick up where you left off so you don't have to complete an entire level to get back where you were.

I really like Fishdom: Harvest Splash by Playrix. It's a matching game where you have to clear the board by matching the different symbols - like Bejeweled only better. It's fun and fast paced, no jumping or flying, just matching stuff. You can also buy fish and decorate your aquarium, but I never bother with that stuff. I play so much I’m on level 1100 or something ridiculous. Fun, easy and very little pressure!

Frank Meyer’s Mother – Hard Lessons

I begged my mom for a Colecovision when they came out and we're all the rage in the '80s. I already had Atari, but I was obsessed with Zaxxon and Colecovision offered the only home version of the ahead-of-it's-time 3D space flight game. But the tipping point was the release of Smurf: Rescue. I was REALLY into the Smurfs at the time (hey, I was a little kid!) and felt a deep desire to frolic in the land of tiny blue people and Gargamel's castle, and Colecovision offered the only opportunity to delve into this world.

I begged my mom for the coveted console until she relented, making me promise it wouldn't suffer the same fate as my other passing fads, such as being a stuntman, writing for Mad Magazine, tee-ball and bathing. The day we scored it at Toys R Us and I set it up, I played the Smurf game over and over until I came to the realization that it sucked. Big time. Even Zaxxon and the sub-par Adventure rip-off Venture couldn't save Colecovision from its inevitable downfall.

Stephen Johnson’s Mother – Letters From The Front Line

Dear Steve,

I am so happy you asked me to tell you about playing video games for Mother's Day.

As you know I love to play video games.

My favorite one right now is called, Tri Peaks Solitare. It is on Facebook. The good part is you earn tokens for good games. I now have 513,5165 tokens! Isn't that great?

The odd thing is I have absolutely NO idea what to do with them. I hope you get money. Please ask if you would like to know about any of the other games I play.



Angry Birds

Rob Manuel’s Mother – Those Crazy Birds

Over the Christmas holiday, I showed my mom how to download games on her new iPad and completely regret this maneuver. Ever since then, my mom now asks me about, what she can only remember to call them, Crazy Birds.

It took a day or so to teach her how it all works. For a couple of hours, the birds kept flying in the wrong direction since my mom kept pointing to where she wanted the birds to go rather than pulling the slingshot back.

Since then, she’s gotten better now that she started playing Crazy Space Birds. Actually, she’s a little addicted. Most of our phone conversations go as follow:

Mom: I can’t get the third star. I know what I need to be doing, but I can’t do it.

Me: You can just go on and come back to it later.

Mom: I hit something and I was in space. And there were pigs all around me and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

Me: What are you even playing?

Even when she had no clue what I was talking about, my mom always tried to be supportive of my gaming. Love you, mom.

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Aqua Blue Nintendo 3DS Will Be Discontinued Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Aqua Blue Nintendo 3DS Will Be Discontinued

Nintendo Japan has revealed the aqua blue 3DS model will no longer be in production, effective really soon. Nintendo's official Japanese site states, "Scheduled to end production shortly." A reason for the decisions was not given, but I can only assume it is the result of the battle of the blues. Blue is the Highlander of colors. There can be only one, and it would appear the newer, Cobalt Blue model may be dominating the blue market.

If you own an aqua blue 3DS, love it, cherish it, whisper nice things to it. Then in a few years put it on ebay because it's a little piece of history.

Source: Kotaku

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G4's Knuckle Up: The Best Mobile Games - Week of May 11th Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Welcome to G4's Knuckle Up, where we bring you a byte-sized view of our five favorite mobile games every week. The phone and tablet space is filled with incredible games that will keep you busy for minutes, hours, or even days -- we'll let you know what we're playing and why we're playing it. Here are our top five games this week:


N.O.V.A. 3iOS

Gameloft’s N.O.V.A. series is one of the best examples of an FPS shooter done right on mobile, and it’s no different with the newest installment in the series. N.O.V.A. 3 keeps all of the touches that make the franchise great and manages to toss some new features into the mix to keep things fresh. You’re still playing as Kal Warden, savior of the human race (on more than one occasion). Warden is helping out a friend located in the ruins of San Fransisco. Unfortunately, upon arrival, Warden finds the alien Volterites laying the place to waste, and must once again fight for his life and the rest of humanity’s.

The story in campaign mode is well-written and voiced, and the environments take full advantage of the new iPad’s Retina Display as well as it’s increased processor speeds. The overall visuals in N.O.V.A. 3 are stunning. In fact, they’re among the best FPS graphics you’ll currently see in mobile. A new (and welcome) feature is the addition of in-game currency based on how well you complete a level. That currency can then be used to purchase upgrades and weapons. It’s an excellent way to increase replay value on the single-player campaign, and if you’re not into perfection, IAP is available as well to buy those items.

Of course, what N.O.V.A. review would be complete without a nod to its most exciting component: multiplayer. With both local and online gameplay, a plethora of game modes (FFA, Team Deathmatch, Freeze Tag, CTF, InstaGib, and Capture the Point), and even tournaments, you’ll be playing N.O.V.A. 3 long after you’ve completed Campaign Mode.


Holy cow, Monster Shooter: The Lost Levels is fun. It’s the ad-free version of Monster Shooter, with some new extras added on and some killer new levels. This version has 60 levels, and 15 of those are brand spanking new. If you haven’t played the original Monster Shooter, it’s a free, ad-supported game in which you control Dum Dum as he fights alien hordes to save a sweet little kitten. Sure, dual-stick shooters are a dime a dozen these days, but Monster Shooter has that little something extra that makes it truly shine. It also doesn’t hurt that Dum Dum is freaking adorable, and his quest to rescue a kitten is nobler than most.

During play, you’ll simply use the dual sticks to shoot down bad guys as they approach, and scurry around the map to pick up cash, health, and powerups. The difficultly level ramps up nicely as you go, and as you pick up in-game cash, you’ll be able to spend it on upgrades. The shop is a pretty fun place, with new weapons and powerups to choose from (I personally love the Nuke and the Plasma Gun). Challenges tracked across your campaign make achievements subtle but satisfying.


Ah, Bug Princess 2. Another wonderful bullet hell shooter from Japanese developer Cave. They’ve been delivering incredible ports to iOS for years now, and this sequel to the original Bug Princess is just as good as everything else they’ve done. It’s a frantic, adrenaline-pumping shooter that’s chock full of eye candy. For those not indoctrinated into the Cave shooter cult, Bug Princess 2 makes it easy to get involved in the genre. It’s very much like its predecessor, but that’s not a bad thing: there are the same options for control customization, the same excellent touch controls, and the three same gameplay modes.

Each mode offers different styles of gameplay, with some new scoring systems in place to ensure a fresh, new experience. Maniac mode in particular really ups the ante by allowing you to use your laser to discharge your multiplier (which you build up by shooting enemies with your regular guns. Overall, the stages are beautifully crafted, making Bug Princess 2 a must-buy for anyone who loves a good arcade shooter.



Sudoku is one of my favorite puzzle styles out there, but after a while, staring at that same old 2D grid gets a bit old. Sudoku 3D manages to put a great twist on a favorite by making the puzzle three-dimensional. If you’ve never played sudoku, it’s a logic and number game where there’s a 9x9 grid. It starts with some of the numbers filled in, and some spaces blank; each 3x3 sub-grid composing the full play area and each row and column for each space never holds the same number twice. It’s pretty fun, if you’ve never tried it, and Sudoku 3D ups the ante by creating a 16x16 grid and 4x4 sub-grids.

Puzzles are generated by the game, so you’ll likely never see the same setup twice. In addition, the 3D cubes are rendered nicely and the touch controls are smooth. Double-tapping the cube lays out your puzzle in 2D, so if the extra dimension throws off your puzzle-solving skills, you can easily swap to a more easily digestible format. If you’re using a WP7 device, and you love a good puzzle, give Sudoku 3D a whirl.


MumboJumbo is known for their simple, casual games, and Luxor Evolved is a perfect show of how great a game can be with a simple premise. It’s a marble shooter, meaning you control a ship at the bottom of the screen, and strings of colored marbles travel along a maze-like track while your ship attempts to blow up 2 or more marbles of the same color by shooting another like-colored marble into the moving string. If it sounds complicated, it really isn’t -- it’s just one of those games that are harder explained than simply played.

Luxor Evolved certainly lives up to its namesake by elevating the marble shooter to new heights, both literally and figuratively. This marble shooter is set in space, with some slick neon geometric graphics and a great techno soundtrack; in addition, the gameplay offers more than we’re used to seeing in marble shooters via new, crazy powerups and special shots that change the way you play. With a variety of stage types, Luxor Evolved is a beautifully crafted game, and one that’s quickly becoming my all-time favorite in its genre.

Ashley Esqueda is a tech enthusiast, blogger, and all-around mobile junkie who contributes to Mobile Nations, Techfoolery, and Tecca. If you're playing a game you think should be in Knuckle Up, follow her on Twitter or circle her on Google+ and send it over!

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Resident Evil 6 to sell 7 million

Capcom expects Resident Evil 6 to be the best-selling game in company history. The publisher today released presentation materials to go with its quarterly reports, in the process sharing sales expectations for a handful of upcoming games.

The publisher projects that Resident Evil 6 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC will sell 7 million copies worldwide. Currently, Capcom's best-selling title of all-time is the Super Nintendo edition of Street Fighter II, which sold 6.3 million copies. The last main entry in the survival horror series, 2009's Resident Evil 5, sold 5.8 million units worldwide, good enough to be the company's second best-selling game to date.

While nothing else on Capcom's slate of announced titles is expected to be in the same ballpark as Resident Evil 6, the publisher does have a number of games it projects will break the million-sold milestone. The new Devil May Cry game DMC is slated to launch sometime this year, and Capcom has it down to sell 2 million copies. Meanwhile, this months' new intellectual property Dragon's Dogma is expected to hit 1.5 million sold, while next year's Lost Planet 3 is projected to move 1.4 million copies.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season Finale Review

Note: Full spoilers of this episode to follow.

I always love a good framing device, and tonight's episode of The Big Bang Theory featured a pretty awesome one involving Wolowitz reflecting – just moments before blasting off into space – on his wedding with Bernadette, and the events that lead to their decision to quickly elope.

Not only did this framing device set the episode apart from the rest of the season, but it killed two birds with one stone, allowing fans to see both events without stretching things to two untidy episodes. And, despite having both the space launch story and the wedding in one episode, the framing device allowed us a taste of the hell Wolowtiz will likely endure in space, while enjoying the more character-centric, and touching, aspects of this season-long arch.

Also, since wedding episodes are pretty common for season finales, the launch subplot added a flavor to the narrative that freshened things up. In fact, pretty much every aspect of the wedding felt fresh, right down to Sheldon's Klingon officiation.

In many ways, "
The Countdown Reflection" represents what many fans have longed for all season – a better balance of geeky jokes, relationship humor, character and Sheldonisms. Pretty much everyone hit their marks tonight (Sheldon was on fire, by the way), and yes, this includes Amy Farrah Fowler, who got at least three solid laughs out of me.

The episode also hosted a decent share of touching moments, starting with the first scene between Wolowitz and Bernadette, where he gives her a little star pendent he plans to take into space, so he can bring her home a star (awww). It was an honest moment that felt both real and cute, and was followed by a pretty solid laugh. And the final scene, between all the couples, was also honest and sweet, and a pretty great payoff to the previous episode.

As is sometimes the case with The Big Bang Theory, this season in particular, the characters are pretty clumsily written and half-cocked. But a great many of the issues did manage to get cleared up here, paving the way for a sharper, potentially funnier sixth season...hopefully.

Sheldon and Amy's relationship will finally move forward, likely in some rather hilarious and awkward ways.
Leonard and Penny deepened their feeling for one another. Wolowtiz and Bernadette, now married, must now mutually endure Wolowtiz's overbearing mother, or purge her from their lives. And Raj, well...he seems to have finally come to terms with being a bachelor.

Let's hope the kinks of this season won't rear its ugly head next fall, and tonight is just a twinkling of things to come. I will leave you with my favorite line of the episode that, in spite of my optimism and love for the show, seems somewhat fitting,"That's what you said about the Green Lantern movie. You were 114 minutes of wrong."

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Sony shares tank to 31-year low

Sony shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange have tanked to a 31-year low, dipping as much as 6.7 percent to ¥1,132 ($14.16), reports the BBC. The news comes after Sony this week announced a record annual loss of ¥456.7 billion ($5.71 billion).

Sony and newly appointed president Kaz Hirai have forecast a return to profit during the fiscal year, but analysts are not betting on the firm being able to turn the ship around.

"Sony is facing a lot of difficulties and the new president has not been able to produce a clear plan as to how he will turn around the company," Yuuki Sakurai of Fukoku Capital Management told the site. "Even the little that investors have heard, they are not very impressed with."

Last month, Sony outlined its "One Sony" plan to revitalize the company, which will look to the firm's gaming business unit to help spur sales. Outside of gaming, the plan aims to bolster sales by restructuring its television sector, creating all-new businesses, realigning its portfolio, and optimizing resources.

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Battlefield 3's Dedicated Console Servers Are Disappearing Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Battlefield 3

It seems that dedicated servers in the console versions of Battlefield 3 have largely disappeared since Electronic Arts and DICE launched the recent rent-a-server patch, allowing players to pay $30 for 30 days of private hosting. These lobbies can still be accessed from the in-game server browser, but they are subject to whatever rules that the renting player has established.

The news comes from various players via Venturebeat, which went and peeked at the server browser in the PlayStation 3 version of the game. Sure enough, only 17 EA-operated Battlefield 3 servers could be found amidst the multi-page list of multiplayer lobbies. I took a peek this morning at the Xbox 360 version of the game; without the rent-a-server patch downloaded, I found just three lobbies to choose from. Downloading the patch brought a flood of other servers into the browser, and just about all of them were of the rented variety.

This development isn't sitting well with some players. DICE community manager Daniel Matris took questions from fans on Reddit, responding that "there is only so much physical space and digital space where yo ucan have servers. The community requested [a rental program] and we delivered."

Matros went on to indicate that the change isn't necessarily permanent, and that the complaints aren't news to him. "I've heard this for awhile now and the feedback has gotten louder," he said in a May 7, 2012 posting. "This is definitely something I will raise when I get back into the studio tomorrow."

There's been no further official word on the matter yet. We've reached out to EA for comment and will update this post according if and when we get a response.

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Xbox 360 Rumor Points To Internet Explorer App With Kinect Controls Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Xbox 360 Rumor Points To Internet Explorer App With Kinect Controls

The Xbox 360 is all sorts of Internet-connected, but a newly surfaced rumor suggests that Microsoft will be revealing a dedicated Internet Explorer app for the console at E3 2012. The app will also include non-mandatory support for Kinect gestures and voince controls, The Verge reports via unnamed sources.

It's not terribly different from the current Bing search feature that is available on the Xbox 360, though that limits results to just media. The IE app would instead be a full-blown browser. There's no word on when this news will be officially revealed, though E3 2012 is of course the most likely bet. As for release timeframe... assuming this is true, Microsoft traditionally releases major dashboard/console updates in November, around the time of the Xbox 360's yearly anniversary.

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Mario & Sonic hurdle 3.28 million

Mario's latest trip to the Olympics was popular with gamers. As part of Sega Sammy's latest financial report, the company revealed Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games has sold 3.28 million copies between the Wii and 3DS versions.

Other million-sellers on Sega's resume were Sonic Generations at 1.85 million and Virtua Tennis 4, which sold 1.04 million copies. Other titles called out by Sega were Football Manager 2012, which sold 710,000 copies, and Yakuza: Dead Souls, which moved 550,000 units.

The most lucrative platform for Sega software sales during the year was the Wii, which accounted for sales of 3.05 million titles. This is compared to 2.45 million for the PlayStation 3, 1.79 million on 3DS, 1.54 million on Microsoft's Xbox 360, and 1.1 million on PSP.

As for Sega Sammy's actual earnings, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, the firm's Consumer Business (which houses its game division) posted revenues of ¥85.6 billion ($1.1 billion), down 3.6 percent from the year prior. The Consumer Business division posted operating losses of ¥15.1 billion ($189 million) for the year, a marked decrease from an operating income of ¥1.9 billion ($24 million) recorded a year ago.

In total, Sega Sammy recorded revenues of ¥395.5 billion ($4.96 billion) for the year, down 3.6 year-on-year. Profits came in at ¥21.8 billion ($272.7 million), down a significant 47.4 percent from the ¥41.5 billion ($519.1 billion) tallied a year ago this time.

Looking to its current fiscal year, Sega Sammy is predicting net sales to surge 18.8 percent year-on-year to ¥470 billion ($5.88 billion), with net income ballooning some 83.3 percent to ¥40 billion ($500.37 million) for the year ending March 31, 2013.

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Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Pre-orders Get You AR Card Unlocks Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Pre-orders Get You AR Card Unlocks

Square Enix will release Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance in North America on July 31, 2012, and those who step up to pre-order the game will receive three bonus AR cards that unlock rare Dream Eaters, a press release confirms. The game includes an AR feature that allows you to play with the Dream Eaters pictured on the cards, so this pre-order bonus basically amounts to extra in-game content.

One of the Kingdom Hearts 3D cards unlocks one of three random Dream Eaters: Ursa Circus, Sudo Neko, or (AWESOME name here) Meowjesty. The second card unlocks the R&R Seal Dream Eater and the third unlocks the 360° viewing stand. No, I don't know what any of this means or how awesome it might be. We'll all get to find out in July though!

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Angry Birds Dev Working On Casey's Contraptions Game Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Angry Birds Dev Working On Casey's Contraptions Game

Rovio has done pretty well for itself with the Angry Birds empire, and now we'll get to see if that magic can be replicated when the mobile dev takes on a new game based on Casey's Contraptions, a mobile title created by Snappy Touch. The Casey rights now belong to Rovio, Gamasutra reports, and the studio's plan is to release its first non-Angry Birds title sometime in summer 2012.

Casey's Contraptions is a physic-based puzzle game in which players manipulate an assortment of random objects to create a Rube Goldberg-style contraption that fulfills some kind of goal. Rovio's Ville Heijari revealed that Casey's Contraptions, which is now removed from the iTunes App Store, is being reworked into Amazing Alex so that it can be reintroduced in "true 'expect the unexpected' Rovio style." The game will initially be available on iOS and Android devices, with additional platforms to be added "rapidly" following the game's release.

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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier 'Arctic Strike' DLC Deploys This Summer Ads By Google » Blog Tags Today's Most Popular Videos »

Ghost Recon Future Soldier

Ubisoft's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier hits stores on May 22, 2012, but the publisher is already looking ahead to the game's first DLC release with the reveal of the "Arctic Strike" pack. The July 3 release will set you back $9.99 (or 800 MS Points on Xbox Live), adding an assortment of multiplayer-oriented content to the game.

Like what, you ask? The press release offers no specifics, but you can definitely look forward to running your Future Soldier forces through new multiplayer maps, a new multiplayer mode, a new Guerilla mode map (think Horde), and six new weapons. It's a safe bet that much of this content will revolve around cold weather conditions, given the DLC's title. Should be a nice break from early July's hot summer weather.

For more on the game's multiplayer, check out our latest Ghost Recon: Future Soldier preview.

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